
Experiential Event Ideas To Boost Your Influencer Campaigns

If you’ve been following our blogs, you should know that influencer campaigns involving experiential events help you build stronger, more authentic relationships with them while delivering plenty of photo ops and organic brand exposure. Why wouldn’t they? At events, you’re engaging with them in person rather than just over email or sending PR gifts hoping for (or paying for) a moment in their spotlight. After spending some time together, influencers often gain a deeper understanding of your brand’s values and mission, making them more prepared to represent you. 

But what kind of events would you actually have? What kind of events promotes your product while being fun, engaging, and exciting to attend? There are different types of successful events brands have put on that probably ended up on your Instagram feed. These events give influencers several other (organic) reasons than merely free products to show you off! What route you choose should depend on your brand’s needs, your audience, and what kind of creativity you feel like exploring. 

One notable example of a larger scale influencer event is the Revolve Festival, a music festival with about 140 well-known guests including Kendall Jenner, Aimee Song, and some of the Victoria’s Secret Angels. But with several vendors, celebrity performers, and guests you’ve probably heard of, this can take a lot of time and money to plan. Starting with smaller events, here are some types of influencer events you can plan to supercharge your influencer marketing strategy.

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Brunch or Dinner

A small-scale, intimate way to bring influencers together is through a networking brunch or dinner at an Instagrammable, trendy restaurant. This allows the opportunity for  influencers to have face-to-face time with you, each other, and your brand and build a genuine connection to your products and staff over some delicious food. 

You’ve probably seen tons of unpaid brunch posts on Instagram at well-decorated restaurants from your friends, so influencers might do the same if you pick the right restaurants. 

On February 27, we hosted a brunch at Margot to celebrate the launch of Jolii Cosmetics’ new clean beauty line where 40% of the proceeds were to be donated to Love Leo Rescue. The brunch brought together the founder of Jolii, the staff of Love Leo and Irose, and influencer supporters. You can read a blog post recap of it here.


Meet & Greet 

If you’ve got a store location, setting up a day or two for a meet-and-greet with one or more targeted influencers would definitely draw attention to your brand. Unlike brunches or dinners, meet-and-greets are accessible to the public, which means plenty of people posting and tagging you while getting to meet their favorite influencer.  

A benefit of meet-and-greets is to attract new customers in-person, no need for them to have any plans to purchase anything from your store. Once physically in the store, perhaps they wouldn’t be able to resist the sparkling new display of candles by the door that social media hadn’t made them aware of! 

Influencers usually announce these events on their social media so tagging you won’t hurt. Since they’re using your store space, it would allow plenty of geotags due to their followers asking them where the photo was taken at.

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Panels & networking events

As we’ve discussed before, some influencers use their platforms to discuss various educational topics and social issues relevant to their field. If you want to take an informational, deeper route with your influencer campaigns, try a panel. These events are great ways for influencers to give advice and discuss interesting, complex topics in-person to attendees. For example, you could host a panel on diversity and inclusion in the fashion and beauty world, something plenty of influencers have first-hand experience with. Other influencers are great picks for discussing entrepreneurship. 

The panel can be part of a networking event complete with food, champagne, photo ops with a step-and-repeat, and gifting. It’s also a fantastic way for the public to get to know their favorite influencers on a more deeply personal level!

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Large Scale Parties

A large scale party is a fun way to get everyone together and is the best route to optimizing organic brand exposure. Unlike the previous options, a party will most likely give you a bigger space to set up multiple aesthetic photo ops. And as we all know, influencers love a good photo op!

FabFitFun annually invites several influencers to celebrate alongside their employees at massive holiday parties that involve several gifting brands, photo ops, catered food, and a headliner of an A-list musical performer such as Tyga. These definitely aren’t your typical company party at the office!

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Even if you and the influencers aren’t jetsetting far away (you might still be in the same city), that doesn’t mean there can’t be some luxury and new experiences involved. Some nearby resorts offer insanely aesthetic pools, spas, restaurants, golf courses, views, and other Instagrammable characteristics on their own. No plane ticket needed! If you’ve ever been to some resorts out there, there’s no way you wouldn’t want to post a photo of you lounging around that 5-star luxury. With this option, you don’t have to put together too much decor yourself, as the resorts will be enough. 

We hosted a staycation a while back at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel, Orange County. Although we were quite close to our Los Angeles home, we still had plenty of travel influencer-esque photo ops.


Seasonal events

Some moments that are guaranteed to be organically posted on social media are holidays as well as other special events, such as music festivals and fashion weeks. Since attendees often spend a lot of time getting ready for these memorable, usually yearly events, you can host your own events to celebrate. For example, PopSugar hosted a Coachella pre-party at a fancy hotel hosted by Emily Ratajowski. 

In regards to national holidays, you can find a way to promote your brand in a way that relates to those holidays. For example, you can host a pop-up shop with special holiday packaging with stocking-stuffer sized versions of your products.

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International travel

They say you don’t really know someone until you’ve traveled with them. An international trip has you with the influencers almost 24/7, giving you plenty of time to get to know them on a deeper level. Stunning beaches, temples, jungles, statues, and other tourist attractions you can’t find at home are pretty much guaranteed photo ops. An international getaway doesn’t just guarantee photos, it’s likely lengthy vlogs will be made as well. Make sure you hit up all the hottest tourist spots as well as some underrated, off-the-beaten-path gems.

Since these trips involve a foreign country, the videos can even attract people who have never heard of you or the influencer but were searching for videos of your destination in general. It’s a great way to get discovered.

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In the end, whichever type of activation you choose is up to your brand’s budget and creative direction. If you’re a newer, smaller brand, you might want to start with something smaller such as a brunch or dinner to introduce influencers and staff to each other. Once you have a strong network going on, you can move on to a party or a more costly event. If there’s a social issue you feel really needs to be discussed, gathering the right influencers for a panel would be ideal in this case.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a free consultation on how we can create for you a custom event tailored to your brand’s needs, mission, and aesthetics!



Turn Viewers Into Customers Through Content Marketing


Why should your business consider a content strategy? Content marketing is quite time-consuming to produce and requires rigorous research. After all, it generally consists of informational and/or entertaining pieces aimed at turning viewers into customers without explicitly saying that. These pieces can include videos, blog posts, graphics, photo series, recipes, apps, or other useful online tools. The term is broad, allowing you to utilize your creativity in so many ways. They might be challenging, so are they worth it?

Absolutely! Content marketing produces more leads, drives a ton of brand awareness, and increases ROI. Plenty of CMOs are optimistic about it, as 78% see content marketing as the future of marketing. 90% of brands use it now, so don’t get left behind.

Producing great, effective, engaging content isn’t just about the numbers, it’s about the emotional connections made with your brand. First of all, it’s a great way to get past ad blockers and the people who use them. Few people actively seek out ads. If you’re making content similar to what people actively seek out, then that’s not what ad blockers are going for. Content pieces are considered too valuable for that. A little over half of traditional ads on Google aren’t even seen, prompting companies to turn to content instead. Traditional ads tend to be one-sided, while content marketing aims to make a genuine connection with you and making a small but positive impact on your day. 

Another solid reason to utilize content marketing is to have a convenient route to consistently publishing new, fresh media to remind everyone of your existence. There are only so many ways to photograph your products for social media and ways to talk about its benefits. Even if making consistent social media and ad content is doable, it can get difficult to find new ways to promote the same few things. Instead of discussing what goes in your product and why it’s awesome, your content could tell the stories of your consumers or be tutorials on things that include your product’s use.

Content can open up more avenues to show your brand’s creativity. If you don’t think you’re the most artistic, aim to be educational. For example, Hubspot provides plenty of free educational resources, such as webinars or video courses, with no obligation to use its products. These resources have been extremely valuable for aspiring marketers looking for a career switch. You’ll find them linked all over the web under “how do I learn more about marketing?” threads. 

Even though the core of a content marketing piece isn’t “buy now”, it’s a meaningful building block in your brand. Your value indirectly gives viewers more of a reason to buy from you. After all, your videos could have made them laugh or your blog posts answered the questions they were desperately Googling. To achieve this status, you really have to understand your audience deeply. You have to understand your company’s brand beyond the surface, beyond the price and physical functions. What problems will your product be solving or at least helping with? Where and when will your products be used? Those are some questions you can start with.

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For example, Shutterstock (pictured above) users would probably be interested in media trends. That’s why every year, the site produces interactive, animated reports on what users are searching for.

Entertainment that features your product use

You can answer those questions in an entertaining way that attracts viewers who have never heard of you. Your content could be videos that show what happens when you use their products, following the steps of camera company GoPro with their YouTube channel. The channel, which currently has 8.37 million subscribers, shows what it’s like to go on trips skiing, surfing, and biking all over the world. How does this market the product? To be able to film these adrenaline-surging activities, you need a camera that can attach to your body, like the GoPro. There’s no way you’re holding your phone out while surfing! 

Even if someone isn’t currently looking to buy a camera, it’s likely they’d stumble upon one of GoPro’s hundreds of videos if they were to search for something like “Galapagos surfing”.  Someone looking to learn more about outdoorsy, extreme sports would find the channel entertaining whether they needed a GoPro or not.

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Help answer Googled questions in detail 

If you’re looking to go down the problem-solving route and feel creatively exhausted, tutorials are a great idea. Some brands make tutorials for common activities, showing their product being used to achieve the end result. Beauty retailer Sephora often publishes short makeup tutorials on its YouTube channel featuring looks a lot of makeup users are looking for, such as a makeup look for a job interview. These include tutorials for newbies who are just looking to start using makeup. 

Your educational content can be short or long. Some brands even make entire in-person or online workshops or even courses! Hipster favorite Intelligentsia Coffee has a series of coffee-related educational articles and programs centered on showing coffee drinkers how to brew coffee and teaching them how coffee is harvested. It even has a mobile app complete with timers and instructions for the hardcore! This is a great way for coffee enthusiasts to discover Intelligentsia and for current customers to keep coming back should they ever need those resources.

Provide new, unique, insightful discoveries

This one’s slightly different from the above in that we’re talking about information that isn’t well known, but makes quite an impact when let known. These aren’t data points that would be commonly Googled, but catch the eye when scrolling. 

Fitness coach and influencer Cassey Ho, known as Blogilates, has made some informational videos on the data of top female Instagrammers overall and in the fitness realm. In the videos, she discusses her findings such as average hair color, skin tone, and age of the influencers. 

This type of content is a great idea if you’ve got a curious audience open to learning new things.

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Blogilates Youtube

Be wholesome and create positive social impact

With social activism being especially widespread in 2020, many brands have used their platforms to create touching, emotionally provocative content promoting wholesome values. Aside from makeup tutorials and other content about their products, Sephora also publishes videos of some of its employees promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion and celebrating diverse backgrounds. 

This kind of storytelling, often autobiographical content can help humanize a brand and help inspire its audience. It can also help showcase values you want your brand to be associated with, which helps with customer attraction and retention: consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand with a mission they support.

Improve your search engine optimization (SEO)

All these types of content creation work to slowly build your brand’s image and reputation, leading to deeper and more meaningful connections with your customers and viewers. Part of why these deeper relationships lead to improved ROI is through SEO. How? One of the biggest contributors to search engine optimization is link building, which means gaining as many links to your website as possible. This signals credibility and popularity to the search engines. 

If your content is valuable enough, people will want to genuinely share it. Many of those people could be bloggers and journalists with thousands or more viewers on their articles. If they find your work worth sharing, that’s another link to you. The more notable your work is, the more links you’ll get. If you can go as far as being linked to from more prestigious, well-known blogs or even press, that’ll make a tremendous impact on your ranking. This seriously beats contracting and paying link building agencies or even worse, spamming your site on the comments section of multiple blogs and articles. 

Even before your content gets shared, you’ll be feeling the effects of SEO. Content gives you more opportunities to use keywords, another important component of SEO. However, the keywords can’t just be placed anywhere at any time. It has to be done strategically, so it would be ideal for your content marketing strategists, especially the copywriters, to understand rudimentary SEO principles. For example, excessive keyword use is known as keyword stuffing and can negatively affect your rankings. Not only will it hurt your rankings, it’s also unpleasant for visitors to read.

Content marketing is a broad term and can encompass so many avenues to explore your creativity and knowledge. It’s a fulfilling, organic way to get your brand out there through ways more practically useful than traditional advertising. 

Drop us a line when you’re ready to create some content of your own. We’re looking forward to creating the next viral video, a useful infographic, or promoting a wholesome social cause!


Irose Team